Dr. Elena von der Lippe discusses the BURDEN2020 initiative - the German national burden of disease study.
The burden-eu COST Action wants to put its members in the spotlight! Spotlights are short (500-1000 words) blogposts where network members present their work in a personal and vulgarizing way. The spotlights also describe how the presented work benefited from the COST Action.
Do you have a recent publication or new project related to burden of disease? Please let us know via , and we will be happy to put you in the spotlight!
Dr. Alexander Rommel discusses the CATINCA (Capacities and infrastructures for health policy development) initiative.
Dr. Mark Nieuwenhuijsen discusses the European Urban Burden of Disease project on behalf of the consortium
Dr. Romana Haneef discusses the development of the French national burden of disease study
Dr. Alexander Rommel discusses the burden of disease due to COVID-19 (BoCO-19) initiative targeted to lower-middle income countries to monitor the population health impact of the COVID-19 pandemic.
Dr. Lea Sletting Jakobsen discusses her experiences as an early career researcher working on the disease burden associated with dairy products.
Dr. Sarah Cuschieri's experience of participating in our COST action
Dr. Aline Anton describes how the BURDEN 2020 study has estimated the prevalence and severity of headaches in Germany
Dr. Zubair Kabir describes the development of the GBD-Frailty Index, a novel population-based standardised metric for frailty.